I have one more week until I am half-baked and only 5 more weeks until V-Day (viability day)!!
Weekly Check In:
- How far along?: 19 weeks
- Total weight gain: I am up 2 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight as of Monday.
- How big is baby?: Baby is the size of a mango this week.
- Maternity clothes?: Fully in maternity clothes at this point. They are so comfortable.
- Movement: Felt a couple of stronger kicks after eating a cinnamon roll the other day. Other than that, still wiggles and little pokes here and there.
- Stretch marks?: Just the ones I already had.
- Sleep?: Still having a hard time sleeping. I just got a second body pillow and that seems to be helping a little bit.
- Symptoms?: Heightened sense of smell, gassy, really vivid dreams, round ligamnet pain, and I really want to get started with cleaning and organizing everything. I'm not really sure that last one is a symptom, but there you go.
- Food cravings: Sweets, burgers, other than that not a whole lot.
- Belly button in or out?: Still an innie.
- What I miss: Not a whole lot at this point.
- What I'm looking forward to: Still excited about my next OB appointment and our anatomy scan on 9/6!
- Best Moment this week: Getting definite kicks from little one.
- Milestone: Baby is getting very mobile. Baby is now coated in vernix caseoa (waxy cheese-like stuff) to protect it's skin. Last week was a much more exciting milestone!