Thursday, July 14, 2011

13 Week Update

Fair warning, this is going to be a long update.  A lot of stuff went on this week. 

Mom has not been doing particularly well.  She was struggling to keep down any food last week and it has continued this week.  She saw her Dr on Monday and her cancer markers have gone up.  He feels that her stomach problems could be a result of the cancer, not a side-effect of the chemo.  He sent her to the hospital every day this week for rehydration.  She also had an MRI of her brain on Tuesday and a CT scan of her abdomen yesterday.  She thought she would be getting the results tomorrow, but she doesn't have an appointment, so we are not sure when she will be getting them now.  She has been sounding a little better, but she has still been having a hard time keeping food down.

I am also having a hard time with work right now.  We are currently going through a 3 way merger and it sounds like someone I can't stand is creating a team of people who do what I currently do.  He really wants me on the team, but I don't know if I can stand working for him.  I also don't know if he would allow me to work from home once baby is here, which is important since daycare is so expensive.  I could possibly take a different role under my current boss, who is flexible about me working from home, but I am not sure if they would try to cut my pay.

I have my consult with the plastic surgeon on Tuesday.  I found out at my last OB appointment that I will have to be on the Lovenox for 6 weeks after baby arrives, which is going to delay having the first reconstructive surgery, as they won't do it while I have blood thinners in my system.  I am hoping I will be able to talk to him and get a better idea of what we are looking at for a time frame and what I can expect since it will only be one side instead of both sides like last time.

Baby is doing wonderfully which is such a relief.  I had my NT scan, first series of blood test for the quad screen, and OB appointment last Friday.  Little one was looking great, had a nice strong heart rate of 159, and was bouncing around and waving.  The blood work all came back good, and I go in on 7/29 for the remaining blood work and my first glucose tolerance test (they are doing an early one because of my PCOS).  I'm getting nervous because I am approaching the point in my pregnancy where I lost our twins.  If I make it to Saturday, I will be the most pregnant I have ever been.  Saturday will also be my last day on the progesterone and Metformin. 

Weekly Check In:

  • How far along?: 13 weeks
  • Total weight gain: I am up 1 lb.
  • How big is baby?: Baby is the size of a peach this week. 
  • Maternity clothes?: Fully in maternity clothes at this point.  They are so comfortable.
  • Movement: Still way too early.  I have felt faint little twitches and rumbles, but I am not sure if that is Baby or not.
  • Stretch marks?: Just the ones I already had.
  • Sleep?: I was sleeping better, but this week I have been having a hard time.  Partly because R has been on vacation and staying up all night playing video games.
  • Symptoms?: Starting to be a little less exhausted and nauseous.  Heartburn, heightened sense of smell, frequent urination, gassy, constipated, really vivid dreams, food aversions and round ligament pain are all still there.  
  • Food cravings:  I think baby has a bit of a sweet tooth.  I have been craving chocolate, cookies, cake, ice cream.  If it's desert, I want it.  I have also been loving faux macaroni and cheese from the box, which I used to hate.
  • Belly button in or out?: Still an innie.
  • What I miss: I'm actually not missing too much at the moment.  I was missing coffee, but I have started having the occasional iced decaf coffee and am feeling much better now.
  • What I'm looking forward to: Finding out what the plastic surgeon has to say about my reconstruction.
  • Best Moment this week: Having an excellent NT scan and getting to share it with Mom.
  • Milestone: Baby is forming teeth and vocal chords and the intestines are moving from the umbilical cord into little one's stomach!
- J

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